racism in health care resources
2022 Supportive Resources for Mental/Behavioral Health (download)
Compiled by AARTH
Aging and Disability Services (ADS)
Aging and Disability Services (ADS) plans, coordinates, and advocates for a comprehensive service delivery system for older adults, family caregivers and people with disabilities in King County.
Hospital Bill Brochure (download)
Produced by WA State Hospital Association
PHONE: (206) 281-7211
Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization
Provides yearly scholarships to Black nursing students.
Donations accepted. Become an endowed member.
Office Based Opioid Treatment​
Harborview Medical Center
OBOT Intake Line​
(206) 744-2332​
Monday- Friday 8 AM to 5 PM​
Call with questions or to schedule -
Lacedandlethal.com​ to order naloxone
Articles provided by Dr. Paul Jackson
A double-edged sword of using opioids and COVID-19: a toxicological view|
Helping Members with Opioid Addiction During the COVID-19 Outbreak and Beyond
The Patients Bill of Rights (download)
Provided by Office of the Insurance Commissioner WA State.
People of Color Against Aids Network (POCAAN)
Promoting Health, Mobilizing Community, and Transforming Lives since 1987. For many years our work has been rooted in HIV/AIDS prevention, but it has grown with the understanding that related issues such as substance abuse, incarceration, homelessness, sexually transmitted diseases, racism, sexism and homophobia also contribute to community marginalization and health disparities.
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"Racism in Healthcare is a Pandemic too!"
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Watch a recap of the workshop by clicking play button.
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Civic Power comes through engagement. Check out the Take Action Plan and determine your level of engagement.
Providence ElderPlace is a federally recognized Program of All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE) which offers a seamless provision of total care. Providence ElderPlace is both a health insurance and a health care provider.
Sound Generations, established in 1967, is a comprehensive non-profit organization serving older adults and disabled persons in King County. We support tens of thousands of people and those who care for them annually on their aging journey through community connections and accessible services.